These are for the SC-750, without CI-73 from Snap Circuits Jr. all the way to Snap Circuits Extreme.
Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100 1-101 Manual[]
- Electric Light & Switch
- DC Motor & Switch
- Sound Activated Switch
- Adjusting Sound Level
- Fart & Fan in Series
- Lamp & Fan in Parallel
- Light Emitting Diode
- One Direction for LED
- Conduction Detector
- Space War Alarm Combo
- Flying Saucer
- Decreasing Saucer Lift
- Two Speed Fan
- The Fuse
- Musical Doorbell
- Momentary Alarm
- Alarm Circuit
- Laser Gun
- Space War
- Light Switch
- Paper Space War
- Light Police Siren
- More Loud Sounds
- More Loud Sounds (II)
- More Loud Sounds (III)
- More Loud Sounds (IV)
- Clap Sounds
- More Clap Sounds
- More Clap Sounds (II)
- More Clap Sounds (III)
- More Clap Sounds (IV)
- Voice Light Diode
- Voice Control
- Motor Space Sounds
- Motor Space Light
- Space Battle (II)
- Silent Space Battle
- Periodic Sounds
- Blinking Double Flashlight
- Motor-Controlled Sounds
- More Motor Sounds
- More Motor Sounds (II)
- More Motor Sounds (III)
- More Motor Sounds (IV)
- Light-Controlled Flicker
- More Sound Effects
- This OR That
- This AND That
- Neither This NOR That
- NOT This AND That
- Reflection Detector
- Quieter Reflection Detector
- Flashing Laser Light with Sound
- Space War Flicker
- Spinning Rings
- Strobe the House Lights
- Race Game
- Using Parts as Conductors
- Spin Draw
- Space War Flicker Motor
- Light-Controlled Sounds
- Light-Controlled Sounds (II)
- Light-Controlled Sounds (III)
- Light-Controlled Sounds (IV)
- Light-Controlled Sounds (V)
- Electronic Bombing Game
- Quiet Zone Game
- Space War Music Combo
- Space War Siren
- Quiet Water Alarm
- Light-Controlled Lamp
- Voice-Controlled Lamp
- Motor-Controlled Lamp
- Light-Controlled LED
- Sound-Controlled Time Delay LED
- Motor-Controlled Time Delay LED
- Space War Flicker LED
- Music AND Gate
- Flash and Tone
- Lamp, Speaker & Fan in Parallel
- Pencil Alarm
- Pencil Alarm Variants
- Fun with Alarm IC
- Motor Sounds Combo
- Motor Sounds Combo (II)
- Music Alarm Combo
- Bomb Sound
- Bomb Sound (II)
- Light-Controlled LED (II)
- Touch Light
- Touch Sound
- Water Space War
- Water Space War (II)
- Human Space War
- Noiser Water Space War
- Light/Water Space War
- OR/AND Space War Light
- Simple Water Alarm
- Simple Salt Water Alarm
- Ambulance Water Alarm
- Ambulance Contact Alarm
Snap Circuits SC-300 102-305 Manual[]
- Batteries in Series
- Ticking Screecher
- Spacey Fan
- Two-Transistor Light Alarm
- Light-Controlled Alarm
- Automatic Street Lamp
- Voice-Controlled Rays of Light
- Blowing Off the Electric Light
- Adjustable Tone Generator
- Photosensitive Electronic Organ
- Electronic Cicada
- Light & Sounds
- More Light & Sounds
- More Light & Sounds (II)
- More Light & Sounds (III)
- More Light & Sounds (IV)
- Motor Speed Detector
- Old-Style Typewriter
- Optical Transmitter & Receiver
- Space War Sounds Controlled By Light
- Space War Radio
- The Lie Detector
- NPN Amplifier
- PNP Amplifier
- Sucking Fan
- Blowing Fan
- PNP Collector
- PNP Emitter
- NPN Collector
- NPN Emitter
- NPN Collector - Motor
- NPN Emitter - Motor
- Buzzing in the Dark
- Touch Buzzer
- High Frequency Touch Buzzer
- High Frequency Water Buzzer
- Mosquito
- Standard Transistor Circuit
- Motor & Lamp by Sound
- Fading Siren
- Fast Fade Siren
- Laser Gun with Limited Shots
- Symphony of Sounds
- Symphony of Sounds (II)
- Transistor Amplifiers
- Pressure Meter
- Resistance Meter
- Auto-Off Night-Light
- Discharging Caps
- Changing Delay Time
- Morse Code Generator
- LED Code Teacher
- Ghost Shriek Machine
- LED & Speaker
- Dog Whistle
- Mind Reading Game
- Enhanced Quiet Zone Game
- Capacitor Charge & Discharge
- Sound Wave Magic
- Space War Amplifier
- Trombone
- Race Car Engine
- Power Amplifier
- Feedback Kazoo
- AM Radio
- Fire Engine Symphony
- Fire Engine Symphony (II)
- Vibration or Sound Indicator
- Two-Finger Touch Lamp
- One-Finger Touch Lamp
- Space Battle
- Space Battle (II)
- Multi-Speed Light Fan
- Light & Finger Light
- Storing Electricity
- Lamp Brightness Control
- Electric Fan
- Radio Music Burglar Alarm
- Light Dimmer
- Motion Detector
- Fan Modulator
- Oscillator 0.5 - 30Hz
- Sound Pulse Oscillator
- Motion Detector (II)
- Motor Rotation
- Motor Delay Fan
- Motor Delay Fan (II)
- High Pitch Bell
- Steamboat Whistle
- Steamship
- Light NOR Gate
- Noise-Activated Burglar Alarm
- Motor-Activated Burglar Alarm
- Light-Activated Burglar Alarm
- Photorisister Control
- Microphone Control
- Pressure Alarm
- Power Microphone
- LED Fan Rotation Indicator
- Space War Sounds with LED
- Sound Mixer
- Sound Mixer Fan Driver
- Electric Fan Stopped by Light
- Motor & Lamp
- Start-Stop Delay
- Mail Notifying System
- Mail Notifying Electronic Bell
- Mail Notifying Electronic Lamp
- Twice- Amplified Oscillator
- Quick Flicking LED
- AM Radio with Transistors
- AM Radio (II)
- Music Amplifier
- Delayed Action Lamp
- Delayed Action Fan
- Police Siren Amplifier
- Lasting Doorbell
- Lasting Clicking
- Leaky Capacitor
- Transistor Fading Siren
- Fading Doorbell
- Blowing Space War Sounds
- Adjustable Time Delay Lamp
- Adjustable Time Delay Fan
- Adjustable Time Delay Lamp (II)
- Adjustable Time Delay Fan (II)
- Watch Light
- Delayed Bedside Fan
Snap Circuits SC-500 306-511 Manual[]
No | Description | Objective |
306 | AM Radio | To build a one-IC AM radio. |
307 | Adjustable Volume FM Radio | To build a working FM radio with adjustable volume. |
308 | Playback & Record | To demonstrate the capabilities of the recording integrated circuit. |
309 | Playing Music | To play the three built-in songs on the recording IC |
310 | Light-Controlled Music | To build a circuit that uses light to control the recording IC. |
311 | Touch-Controlled Music | To build a circuit that lets you control the recording IC with your fingers. |
312 | Power Amplified Playing Music | To build a circuit that amplifies the recording IC. |
313 | Power Playback & Record | To amplify the output of the recording IC. |
314 | Poo | Show variations of project #312. |
315 | Power Touch-Controlled Music | Show variations of project #312. |
316 | FM Radio | To build a working FM radio |
317 | Mega Circuit | To build a complex circuit. |
318 | SCR 2.5V Bulb | To learn the principle of an SCR. |
319 | SCR & Motor | To activate a motor using an SCR |
320 | Music Alarm | To build a music alarm. |
321 | Light-Music Alarm | To build a light-music alarm. |
322 | Light-Controlled SCR | To build a circuit that activates a bulb and motor with the amount of light present. |
323 | 3mA Meter | To build a 3mA meter circuit |
324 | 0-3V Meter | To build a voltmeter |
325 | Function of adjustable resistor | To understand the function of the adjustable resistor |
326 | Function of Photoresistor | To understand the function of the photoresistor |
327 | Meter Deflect by Motor | To change the direction of current flow using a motor. |
328 | SCR 6V Bulb | To learn the principle of an SCR. |
329 | Principle of Segment LED | To demonstrate how a seven segment LED works. |
330 | Display #1 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 1 |
331 | Display #2 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 2 |
332 | Display #3 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 3 |
333 | Display #4 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 4 |
334 | Display #5 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 5 |
335 | Display #6 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 6 |
336 | Display #7 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 7 |
337 | Display #8 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 8 |
338 | Display #9 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 9 |
339 | Display #0 | To configure the seven segment to display the number 0 |
340 | Music Meter | See and hear the output of the music IC |
341 | LED & Relay | Turn on and off LED’s using a relay. |
342 | Manual 7 Second Timer | To build a manual timer using a relay. |
343 | Half Wave Rectifier Circuit | To build a half wave rectifier circuit. |
344 | Half Wave Rectifier Circuit (II) | Measure the voltage using the center-tap |
345 | LED vs. Diode | To see the voltage difference between an LED and diode. |
346 | Current & Resistance | See how resistance affects current. |
347 | Telegraph | Making telegraph sounds. |
348 | Mosquito Sound | Use the whistle chip to make a mosquito sound. |
349 | Mosquito Sound (II) | Show variations of project #347 |
350 | Mosquito Sound (III) | Show variations of project #348 |
351 | Touch-Control Mosquito Sound | To use the photoresistor to adjust the oscillator sound. |
352 | Bulb & Relay | Light a bulb using a relay. |
353 | Relay Buzzer | To make a relay buzzer. |
354 | Transistor Timer | To build a manual timer using a transistor in place of the relay |
355 | Light-Controlled Relay | To use a photoresistor to control a relay. |
356 | Bulb Alert Relay | Make a warning system that lights the bulb. |
357 | Adjustable Light Control | Build an adjustable light-controlled relay. |
358 | Meter Deflection | To demonstrate the properties of a transformer. |
359 | AC to DC Current | To convert an AC current to DC using an LED. |
360 | Current Meter | To measure the current through a transformer. |
361 | Buzzer, Relay, & Transformer | To use a transformer for a louder buzzer. |
362 | Buzzer & Relay | Make a relay buzzer with speaker. |
363 | Display Capital Letter “F” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “F”. |
364 | Display Capital Letter “H” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “H”. |
365 | Display Capital Letter “P” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “P”. |
366 | Display Capital Letter “S” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “S”. |
367 | Display Capital Letter “U” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “U”. |
368 | Display Capital Letter “C” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “C”. |
369 | Display Capital Letter “E” | To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “E”. |
370 | Display “.” | To configure the seven segment to display the decimal (DP). |
371 | Display Letter “b” | To configure the seven segment to display the letter “b”. |
372 | Display Letter “c” | To configure the seven segment to display the letter “c”. |
373 | Display Letter “d” | To configure the seven segment to display the letter “d”. |
374 | Display Letter “e” | To configure the seven segment to display the letter “e”. |
375 | Display Letter “h” | To configure the seven segment to display the letter “o”. |
376 | Display Letter “o” | To configure the seven segment to display the letter “b”. |
377 | Space War Alarm by SCR | To build an alarm circuit. |
378 | Light Space War Alarm | To build an alarm circuit. |
379 | Alarm by SCR | To build an alarm circuit. |
380 | Light & Alarm IC | To build an alarm circuit. |
381 | Delay Light | To construct a time delay circuit. |
382 | Delay Fan | To construct a time delay fan. |
383 | Delay Fan (II) | To construct another type of time delay fan. |
384 | Recording LED Indicator | To build a circuit that lights an LED to indicate the recording mode. |
385 | Playback & Record with Meter | To add a volt meter to the playback and record circuit |
386 | Alarm Light | To light a bulb to indicate an open circuit. |
387 | Alarm Light (II) | To light a bulb to indicate an open circuit. |
388 | Night Police Car | To build a night-sensitive police car sound. |
389 | Night Machine Gun | To build a night-sensitive machine gun sound. |
390 | Night Fire Engine | To build a night-sensitive fire engine sound. |
391 | Night Ambulance | To build a night-sensitive ambulance sound. |
392 | Daytime Light Police Car | To build a light-sensitive police car sound. |
393 | Nothing Here | To build a light-sensitive machine gun sound. |
394 | Daytime Light Fire Engine | To build a light-sensitive fire engine sound. |
395 | Daytime Light Ambulance | To build a light-sensitive ambulance sound. |
396 | Flashing 8 | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the number “8”. |
397 | Flashing 8 with Sound | To build a circuit so you can hear and see the 8 flash. |
398 | Musical Space War | To combine the sound effects of the recorder and space war integrated circuits. |
399 | Electronic Noisemaker | To make different tones with an oscillator. |
400 | Electronic Noisemaker (II) | To show a variation of project #399. |
401 | Bee | To make different sounds with an oscillator. |
402 | Bee (II) | Show a variation of project #401. |
403 | Bee (III) | Show a variation of project #401. |
404 | Oscillator Sound | Build an oscillator circuit. |
405 | Oscillator Sound (II) | Show variations of project #404. |
406 | Oscillator Sound (III) | Show variations of project #404. |
407 | Oscillator Sound (IV) | Show variations of project #404. |
408 | Oscillator Sound (V) | Show variations of project #404. |
409 | Transistor Tester | To build a circuit that checks the transistor. |
410 | Adjustable Voltage Divider | To make an adjustable current path. |
411 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “C” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter C. |
412 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “E” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter E. |
413 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “F” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter F. |
414 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “H” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter H. |
415 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “P” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter P. |
416 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “S” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter S. |
417 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “U” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter U. |
418 | Automatic Display Capital Letter “L” | To construct a flashing display for the capital letter L. |
419 | Whistle Chip Sounds | To make sounds from the whistle chip. |
420 | Whistle Chip Sounds (II) | Show variations of project #419. |
421 | Whistle Chip Sounds (III) | Show variations of project #419. |
422 | Whistle Chip Sounds (IV) | Show variations of project #419. |
423 | Whistle Chip Sounds (V) | Show variations of project #419. |
424 | Whistle Chip Sounds (VI) | Show variations of project #419. |
425 | LED Music | To light the LED’s using the recording IC. |
426 | Light-Controlled LED Time Delay | Show variations of project #425. |
427 | Touch-Controlled LED Time Delay | Show variations of project #425. |
428 | Alarm Recorder | To record the sound from the alarm IC. |
429 | Alarm Recorder (II) | Record the sound from the alarm IC. |
430 | Machine Gun Recorder | To record the sound of a machine gun. |
431 | Time Delay 1-7 Seconds | To build a time delay circuit. |
432 | Time Delay | To see how the capacitor value affects the time. |
433 | Manual 7 Second Timer (II) | To build a manual timer using a relay and whistle chip |
434 | 15 Second Alarm | To build a circuit that sounds the speaker for 15 seconds |
435 | Flashing “1 & 2” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “1 & 2”. |
436 | Flashing “3 & 4” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “3 & 4”. |
437 | Flashing “5 & 6” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “5 & 6”. |
438 | Flashing “7 & 8” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “7 & 8”. |
439 | Flashing “9 & 0” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “9 & 0”. |
440 | Flashing “b & c” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “b & c”. |
441 | Flashing “d & e” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “d & e”. |
442 | Flashing “h & o” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “h & o”. |
443 | Flashing “A & J” | Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “A & J”. |
444 | Alarm Timer | To connect the alarm IC to a timer circuit. |
445 | Alarm Timer (II) | To change the time by switching the resistor and capacitor. |
446 | Alarm Timer (III) | To modify project #285 for a different sound. |
447 | Bird Sounds | To create bird sounds. |
448 | Bird Sounds (II) | To create bird sounds. |
449 | Bird Sounds (III) | To create bird sounds |
450 | Bird Sounds (IV) | To create bird sounds |
451 | Bird Sounds (V) | To create bird sounds |
452 | Touch-Control Bird Sound | Show variations of project #447. |
453 | Motor Sound Recording | Build a circuit that records the sound of the motor spinning. |
454 | Motor Sound Indicator | To build a circuit that generates sound as a motor is spinning. |
455 | Relay & Buzzer | Use the whistle chip and relay to make sound. |
456 | Relay & Speaker | Use the speaker and relay to make sound. |
457 | Relay & Lamp | Light the bulb using the relay. |
458 | Electronic Cat | To create the sound of a cat. |
459 | Electronic Cat (II) | Show variations of project #458. |
460 | Electronic Cat (III) | Show variations of project #458. |
461 | Electronic Cat (IV) | Show variations of project #458. |
462 | Buzzer Cat | Show variations of project #458. |
463 | Buzzer Cat (II) | Show variations of project #458. |
464 | Buzzer Cat (III) | Show variations of project #458. |
465 | Lazy Cat | Show variations of project #458. |
466 | Meter Deflection (II) | To build change the direction in which current flows |
467 | Automatic Display #1 | Construct a light-controlled display. |
468 | Automatic Display #2 | Light the number 2 using a light-controlled display. |
469 | Automatic Display #3 | Light the number 3 using a light-controlled display |
470 | Automatic Display #4 | Light the number 4 using a light-controlled display |
471 | Automatic Display #5 | Light the number 5 using a light-controlled display |
472 | Automatic Display #6 | Light the number 6 using a light-controlled display |
473 | Automatic Display #7 | Light the number 7 using a light-controlled display |
474 | Automatic Display #8 | Light the number 8 using a light-controlled display |
475 | Automatic Display #9 | Light the number 9 using a light-controlled display |
476 | Automatic Display #0 | Light the number 0 using a light-controlled display |
477 | Variable Oscillator | To change the tone using the adjustable resistor. |
478 | Variable Oscillator (II) | To change the tone using the adjustable resistor |
479 | Variable Oscillator (III) | Show variations of project #477. |
480 | Variable Oscillator (IV) | Show variations of project #477. |
481 | Photo Variable Resistor | Show variations of project #477. |
482 | Variable Whistle Chip Oscillator | Show variations of project #477. |
483 | Slow Adjusting Tone | Show variations of project #477. |
484 | Slow Adjusting Tone (II) | Show variations of project #477. |
485 | Fixed-Current Path | To make a fixed-current path. |
486 | Simple Illumination Meter | To make a simple light meter. |
487 | LED Voltage Drop | To measure the voltage drop across diodes. |
488 | Open/Closed Door Indicator | To make a circuit that indicates whether a door is open or closed. |
489 | Hand-Control Meter | To understand music deflection. |
490 | Light-Control Meter | To control the circuit using light. |
491 | Electric-Control Meter | To start the circuit using an electric motor. |
492 | Sound-Control Meter | To start the circuit by using a speaker. |
493 | Fixed-Voltage Divider | To make a simple voltage divider. |
494 | Resistor Measurement | To make a resistor checker. |
495 | Automatic Display Letter “b” | To construct a light-controlled display for lower case letters. |
496 | Automatic Display Letter “c” | To light the letter “c” using a light-controlled display. |
497 | Automatic Display Letter “d” | To light the letter “d” using a light-controlled display. |
498 | Automatic Display Letter “e” | To light the letter “e” using a light-controlled display. |
499 | Automatic Display Letter “h” | To light the letter “h” using a light-controlled display. |
500 | Automatic Display Letter “o” | To light the letter “o” using a light controlled display. |
501 | Hand-Control Display 1 & 4 | Display numbers 1 or 4 using the slide switch. |
502 | Hand-Control Display 1 & 0 | Display numbers 1 or 0 using the slide switch. |
503 | Hand-Control Display 1 & 7 | Display numbers 1 or 7 using the slide switch. |
504 | Hand-Control Display 1 & 8 | Display numbers 1 or 8 using the slide switch. |
505 | Hand-Control Display 1 & 9 | Display numbers 1 or 9 using the slide switch. |
506 | Monitor Capacitor Charging & Discharging | View charging and discharging a capacitor. |
507 | Hand-Control Space Meter | Using the meter with the space war IC |
508 | Rhythm Swinging Meter | Use the meter with the alarm IC. |
509 | Police Car Sound with Whistle Chip | Show variations of project #508. |
510 | Fire Engine Sound with Whistle Chip | Show variations of project #508. |
511 | Ambulance Sound with Whistle Chip | Show variations of project #508. |
Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750 512-692 Manual[]
No. | Project |
512 | Siren |
513 | Electronic Rain |
514 | Leaky Faucet |
515 | Lamp & Fan Independent |
516 | Drawing Resistors |
517 | Electronic Kazoo |
518 | Electronic Kazoo (II) |
519 | Water Resistor |
520 | Two-Transistor Oscillator |
521 | Diode |
522 | Rectifier |
523 | Motor Rectifier |
524 | SCR Shutdown |
525 | SCR Motor Control |
526 | Output Forms |
527 | Transistor AM Radio |
528 | Adjustable Solar Power Meter |
529 | Fan Blade Storing Energy |
530 | Antenna Storing Energy |
531 | Electromagnet Storing Energy |
532 | Transformer Storing Energy |
533 | Relay Storing Energy |
534 | Transformer Lights |
535 | Machine Siren |
536 | Hear the Motor |
537 | Back EMF |
538 | Back EMF (II) |
539 | Electronic Sound |
540 | Electronic Sound (II) |
541 | Lighthouse |
542 | Diode Wonderland |
543 | Meter Ranges |
544 | Motor Current |
545 | 2.5V Lamp Current |
546 | 6V Lamp Current |
547 | Combined Lamp Circuits |
548 | Rechargeable Battery |
549 | Solar Batteries |
550 | Solar Control |
551 | Solar Resistance Meter |
552 | Solar Diode Tester |
553 | Solar NPN Transistor Tester |
554 | Solar PNP Transistor Tester |
555 | Solar Cell vs. Battery |
556 | Solar Cell vs. Battery (II) |
557 | Solar Music |
558 | Solar Sounds Combo |
559 | Solar Alarm |
560 | Better Solar Alarm |
561 | Photo Solar Alarm |
562 | Solar Space War |
563 | Solar Music Alarm Combo |
564 | Solar Music Space War Combo |
565 | Solar Music Space War Combo (II) |
566 | Solar Periodic Lights |
567 | Solar Periodic Lights (II) |
568 | Solar AM Radio Transmitter |
569 | Low Light Noisemaker |
570 | Low Light Noisemaker (II) |
571 | Low Light Noisemaker (III) |
572 | Solar Oscillator |
573 | Solar Oscillator (II) |
574 | Daylight SCR Lamp |
575 | Solar Bird Sounds |
576 | Solar Bird Sounds (II) |
577 | SCR Solar Bomb Sounds |
578 | Flashing Laser LED's with Sound |
579 | U2 with Transistor Amplifier |
580 | U2 with Transistor Amplifier (II) |
581 | U1 with Transistor Amplifier |
582 | Loud Sounds |
583 | Swinging Meter with Sound |
584 | Motor Sound Using Transformer |
585 | Motor Sound with LED |
586 | Motor Sound with LED (II) |
587 | AC & DC Current |
588 | Noisemaker |
589 | AC Voltage |
590 | AC Voltage (II) |
591 | AC Voltage (III) |
592 | Noisemaker (II) |
593 | Noisemaker (III) |
594 | Pulsing Motor |
595 | Noisemaker (IV) |
596 | Noisemaker (V) |
597 | Noisemaker (VI) |
598 | Noisemaker (VII) |
599 | Noisemaker (VIII) |
600 | Noisemaker (IX) |
601 | Alarm Power |
602 | Alarm Power (II) |
603 | Night Sounds |
604 | Mega Pulser and Flasher |
605 | "E" & "S" Blinker |
606 | "2" & "3" Blinker |
607 | "9" & "0" Blinker |
608 | "3" & "6" Blinker |
609 | "c" & "C" Blinker |
610 | "O" & "o" Blinker |
611 | "b" & "d" Blinker |
612 | "H" & "L" Blinker |
613 | "A" & "o" Blinker |
614 | Open & Closed Indicator |
615 | Open & Closed Indicator (II) |
616 | Vibration Indicator |
617 | Vibration Indicator (II) |
618 | SCR Noise Circuit |
619 | SCR & Transistor Switch |
620 | Two-speed Motor |
621 | Two-speed Motor (II) |
622 | Current Flow |
623 | AM Radio with Power LED's |
624 | Space War IC Recording |
625 | LED Flasher |
626 | LED Flasher with Sound |
627 | LED Flasher with Sound (II) |
628 | Stepper Motor |
629 | Crazy Music IC |
630 | Stepper Motor w/ Sound |
631 | Stepper Motor w/ Light |
632 | Police Siren with Display |
633 | Oscillator Alarm |
634 | Oscillator Alarm (II) |
635 | Tapping U3 |
636 | Tapping U3 (II) |
637 | Adjustable Beeper |
638 | Electronic Meow |
639 | Electronic Meow (II) |
640 | Strobe Light |
641 | AND Gate |
642 | NAND Gate |
643 | OR Gate |
644 | NOR Gate |
645 | XOR Gate |
646 | High Pitch Oscillator |
647 | Low Pitch Oscillator |
648 | Low Pitch Oscillator (II) |
649 | Low Pitch Oscillator (III) |
650 | Segment Jumper |
651 | DP & Zero Flasher |
652 | Stepper Motor with Lamp & LED |
653 | IC Start & Stop |
654 | IC Motor Speed |
655 | Sound & Light Flasher |
656 | Electromagnet Delayer |
657 | Electromagnet Delayer (II) |
658 | Two-Lamp Electromagnet Delayer |
659 | Electromagnet Current |
660 | Electromagnetism |
661 | Electromagnetism & Compass |
662 | Electromagnetism & Paperclips |
663 | Electromagnet Suction |
664 | Electromagnet Tower |
665 | Paperclip Compass |
666 | Adjustable Paperclip Suspension |
667 | Adjustable Paperclip w/ Delay |
668 | Photoresistor Paperclip Suspension |
669 | Paperclip Oscillator |
670 | Paperclip Oscillator (II) |
671 | Paperclip Oscillator (III) |
672 | Paperclip Oscillator (IV) |
673 | Paperclip Oscillator (V) |
674 | Oscillating Compass |
675 | High Frequency Vibrator |
676 | High Frequency Vibrator (II) |
677 | Siren Paperclip Vibrator |
678 | Alarm Paperclip Vibrator |
679 | Machine Gun Paperclip Vibrator |
680 | Alarm Vibrator w/ LED |
681 | Alarm Vibrator w/ LED (II) |
682 | Relay-Whistle Vibrator |
683 | Relay-Whistle Photo Vibrator |
684 | Vibration LED |
685 | Vibration Speaker |
686 | Measure the Vibration as You Tap the Switch |
687 | Shaky Birthday Song |
688 | Vibration Detector |
689 | Out of Balance |
690 | Vibration Alarm |
691 | Vibration Space War |
692 | Vibration Light |