Electronic Snap Circuits Wiki

These are for the SC-750, without CI-73 from Snap Circuits Jr. all the way to Snap Circuits Extreme.

Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100         1-101 Manual[]

  1. Electric Light & Switch
  2. DC Motor & Switch
  3. Sound Activated Switch
  4. Adjusting Sound Level
  5. Fart & Fan in Series
  6. Lamp & Fan in Parallel
  7. Light Emitting Diode
  8. One Direction for LED
  9. Conduction Detector
  10. Space War Alarm Combo
  11. Flying Saucer
  12. Decreasing Saucer Lift
  13. Two Speed Fan
  14. The Fuse
  15. Musical Doorbell
  16. Momentary Alarm
  17. Alarm Circuit
  18. Laser Gun
  19. Space War
  20. Light Switch
  21. Paper Space War
  22. Light Police Siren
  23. More Loud Sounds
  24. More Loud Sounds (II)
  25. More Loud Sounds (III)
  26. More Loud Sounds (IV)
  27. Clap Sounds
  28. More Clap Sounds
  29. More Clap Sounds (II)
  30. More Clap Sounds (III)
  31. More Clap Sounds (IV)
  32. Voice Light Diode
  33. Voice Control
  34. Motor Space Sounds
  35. Motor Space Light
  36. Space Battle (II)
  37. Silent Space Battle
  38. Periodic Sounds
  39. Blinking Double Flashlight
  40. Motor-Controlled Sounds
  41. More Motor Sounds
  42. More Motor Sounds (II)
  43. More Motor Sounds (III)
  44. More Motor Sounds (IV)
  45. Light-Controlled Flicker
  46. More Sound Effects
  47. This OR That
  48. This AND That
  49. Neither This NOR That
  50. NOT This AND That
  51. Reflection Detector
  52. Quieter Reflection Detector
  53. Flashing Laser Light with Sound
  54. Space War Flicker
  55. Spinning Rings
  56. Strobe the House Lights
  57. Race Game
  58. Using Parts as Conductors
  59. Spin Draw
  60. Space War Flicker Motor
  61. Light-Controlled Sounds
  62. Light-Controlled Sounds (II)
  63. Light-Controlled Sounds (III)
  64. Light-Controlled Sounds (IV)
  65. Light-Controlled Sounds (V)
  66. Electronic Bombing Game
  67. Quiet Zone Game
  68. Space War Music Combo
  69. Space War Siren
  70. Quiet Water Alarm
  71. Light-Controlled Lamp
  72. Voice-Controlled Lamp
  73. Motor-Controlled Lamp
  74. Light-Controlled LED
  75. Sound-Controlled Time Delay LED
  76. Motor-Controlled Time Delay LED
  77. Space War Flicker LED
  78. Music AND Gate
  79. Flash and Tone
  80. Lamp, Speaker & Fan in Parallel
  81. Pencil Alarm
  82. Pencil Alarm Variants
  83. Fun with Alarm IC
  84. Motor Sounds Combo
  85. Motor Sounds Combo (II)
  86. Music Alarm Combo
  87. Bomb Sound
  88. Bomb Sound (II)
  89. Light-Controlled LED (II)
  90. Touch Light
  91. Touch Sound
  92. Water Space War
  93. Water Space War (II)
  94. Human Space War
  95. Noiser Water Space War
  96. Light/Water Space War
  97. OR/AND Space War Light
  98. Simple Water Alarm
  99. Simple Salt Water Alarm
  100. Ambulance Water Alarm
  101. Ambulance Contact Alarm

Snap Circuits SC-300              102-305 Manual[]

  1. Batteries in Series
  2. Ticking Screecher
  3. Spacey Fan
  4. Two-Transistor Light Alarm
  5. Light-Controlled Alarm
  6. Automatic Street Lamp
  7. Voice-Controlled Rays of Light
  8. Blowing Off the Electric Light
  9. Adjustable Tone Generator
  10. Photosensitive Electronic Organ
  11. Electronic Cicada
  12. Light & Sounds
  13. More Light & Sounds
  14. More Light & Sounds (II)
  15. More Light & Sounds (III)
  16. More Light & Sounds (IV)
  17. Motor Speed Detector
  18. Old-Style Typewriter
  19. Optical Transmitter & Receiver
  20. Space War Sounds Controlled By Light
  21. Space War Radio
  22. The Lie Detector
  23. NPN Amplifier
  24. PNP Amplifier
  25. Sucking Fan
  26. Blowing Fan
  27. PNP Collector
  28. PNP Emitter
  29. NPN Collector
  30. NPN Emitter
  31. NPN Collector - Motor
  32. NPN Emitter - Motor
  33. Buzzing in the Dark
  34. Touch Buzzer
  35. High Frequency Touch Buzzer
  36. High Frequency Water Buzzer
  37. Mosquito
  38. Standard Transistor Circuit
  39. Motor & Lamp by Sound
  40. Fading Siren
  41. Fast Fade Siren
  42. Laser Gun with Limited Shots
  43. Symphony of Sounds
  44. Symphony of Sounds (II)
  45. Transistor Amplifiers
  46. Pressure Meter
  47. Resistance Meter
  48. Auto-Off Night-Light
  49. Discharging Caps
  50. Changing Delay Time
  51. Morse Code Generator
  52. LED Code Teacher
  53. Ghost Shriek Machine
  54. LED & Speaker
  55. Dog Whistle
  56. Mind Reading Game
  57. Enhanced Quiet Zone Game
  58. Capacitor Charge & Discharge
  59. Sound Wave Magic
  60. Space War Amplifier
  61. Trombone
  62. Race Car Engine
  63. Power Amplifier
  64. Feedback Kazoo
  65. AM Radio
  66. Fire Engine Symphony
  67. Fire Engine Symphony (II)
  68. Vibration or Sound Indicator
  69. Two-Finger Touch Lamp
  70. One-Finger Touch Lamp
  71. Space Battle
  72. Space Battle (II)
  73. Multi-Speed Light Fan
  74. Light & Finger Light
  75. Storing Electricity
  76. Lamp Brightness Control
  77. Electric Fan
  78. Radio Music Burglar Alarm
  79. Light Dimmer
  80. Motion Detector
  81. Fan Modulator
  82. Oscillator 0.5 - 30Hz
  83. Sound Pulse Oscillator
  84. Motion Detector (II)
  85. Motor Rotation
  86. Motor Delay Fan
  87. Motor Delay Fan (II)
  88. High Pitch Bell
  89. Steamboat Whistle
  90. Steamship
  91. Light NOR Gate
  92. Noise-Activated Burglar Alarm
  93. Motor-Activated Burglar Alarm
  94. Light-Activated Burglar Alarm
  95. Photorisister Control
  96. Microphone Control
  97. Pressure Alarm
  98. Power Microphone
  99. LED Fan Rotation Indicator
  100. Space War Sounds with LED
  101. Sound Mixer
  102. Sound Mixer Fan Driver
  103. Electric Fan Stopped by Light
  104. Motor & Lamp
  105. Start-Stop Delay
  106. Mail Notifying System
  107. Mail Notifying Electronic Bell
  108. Mail Notifying Electronic Lamp
  109. Twice- Amplified Oscillator
  110. Quick Flicking LED
  111. AM Radio with Transistors
  112. AM Radio (II)
  113. Music Amplifier
  114. Delayed Action Lamp
  115. Delayed Action Fan
  116. Police Siren Amplifier
  117. Lasting Doorbell
  118. Lasting Clicking
  119. Leaky Capacitor
  120. Transistor Fading Siren
  121. Fading Doorbell
  122. Blowing Space War Sounds
  123. Adjustable Time Delay Lamp
  124. Adjustable Time Delay Fan
  125. Adjustable Time Delay Lamp (II)
  126. Adjustable Time Delay Fan (II)
  127. Watch Light
  128. Delayed Bedside Fan

Snap Circuits SC-500              306-511 Manual[]

No Description Objective
306 AM Radio To build a one-IC AM radio.
307 Adjustable Volume FM Radio To build a working FM radio with adjustable volume.
308 Playback & Record To demonstrate the capabilities of the recording integrated circuit.
309 Playing Music To play the three built-in songs on the recording IC
310 Light-Controlled Music To build a circuit that uses light to control the recording IC.
311 Touch-Controlled Music To build a circuit that lets you control the recording IC with your fingers.
312 Power Amplified Playing Music To build a circuit that amplifies the recording IC.
313 Power Playback & Record To amplify the output of the recording IC.
314 Poo Show variations of project #312.
315 Power Touch-Controlled Music Show variations of project #312.
316 FM Radio To build a working FM radio
317 Mega Circuit To build a complex circuit.
318 SCR 2.5V Bulb To learn the principle of an SCR.
319 SCR & Motor To activate a motor using an SCR
320 Music Alarm To build a music alarm.
321 Light-Music Alarm To build a light-music alarm.
322 Light-Controlled SCR To build a circuit that activates a bulb and motor with the amount of light present.
323 3mA Meter To build a 3mA meter circuit
324 0-3V Meter To build a voltmeter
325 Function of adjustable resistor To understand the function of the adjustable resistor
326 Function of Photoresistor To understand the function of the photoresistor
327 Meter Deflect by Motor To change the direction of current flow using a motor.
328 SCR 6V Bulb To learn the principle of an SCR.
329 Principle of Segment LED To demonstrate how a seven segment LED works.
330 Display #1 To configure the seven segment to display the number 1
331 Display #2 To configure the seven segment to display the number 2
332 Display #3 To configure the seven segment to display the number 3
333 Display #4 To configure the seven segment to display the number 4
334 Display #5 To configure the seven segment to display the number 5
335 Display #6 To configure the seven segment to display the number 6
336 Display #7 To configure the seven segment to display the number 7
337 Display #8 To configure the seven segment to display the number 8
338 Display #9 To configure the seven segment to display the number 9
339 Display #0 To configure the seven segment to display the number 0
340 Music Meter See and hear the output of the music IC
341 LED & Relay Turn on and off LED’s using a relay.
342 Manual 7 Second Timer To build a manual timer using a relay.
343 Half Wave Rectifier Circuit To build a half wave rectifier circuit.
344 Half Wave Rectifier Circuit (II) Measure the voltage using the center-tap
345 LED vs. Diode To see the voltage difference between an LED and diode.
346 Current & Resistance See how resistance affects current.
347 Telegraph Making telegraph sounds.
348 Mosquito Sound Use the whistle chip to make a mosquito sound.
349 Mosquito Sound (II) Show variations of project #347
350 Mosquito Sound (III) Show variations of project #348
351 Touch-Control Mosquito Sound To use the photoresistor to adjust the oscillator sound.
352 Bulb & Relay Light a bulb using a relay.
353 Relay Buzzer To make a relay buzzer.
354 Transistor Timer To build a manual timer using a transistor in place of the relay
355 Light-Controlled Relay To use a photoresistor to control a relay.
356 Bulb Alert Relay Make a warning system that lights the bulb.
357 Adjustable Light Control Build an adjustable light-controlled relay.
358 Meter Deflection To demonstrate the properties of a transformer.
359 AC to DC Current To convert an AC current to DC using an LED.
360 Current Meter To measure the current through a transformer.
361 Buzzer, Relay, & Transformer To use a transformer for a louder buzzer.
362 Buzzer & Relay Make a relay buzzer with speaker.
363 Display Capital Letter “F” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “F”.
364 Display Capital Letter “H” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “H”.
365 Display Capital Letter “P” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “P”.
366 Display Capital Letter “S” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “S”.
367 Display Capital Letter “U” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “U”.
368 Display Capital Letter “C” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “C”.
369 Display Capital Letter “E” To configure the seven segment to display the capital letter “E”.
370 Display “.” To configure the seven segment to display the decimal (DP).
371 Display Letter “b” To configure the seven segment to display the letter “b”.
372 Display Letter “c” To configure the seven segment to display the letter “c”.
373 Display Letter “d” To configure the seven segment to display the letter “d”.
374 Display Letter “e” To configure the seven segment to display the letter “e”.
375 Display Letter “h” To configure the seven segment to display the letter “o”.
376 Display Letter “o” To configure the seven segment to display the letter “b”.
377 Space War Alarm by SCR To build an alarm circuit.
378 Light Space War Alarm To build an alarm circuit.
379 Alarm by SCR To build an alarm circuit.
380 Light & Alarm IC To build an alarm circuit.
381 Delay Light To construct a time delay circuit.
382 Delay Fan To construct a time delay fan.
383 Delay Fan (II) To construct another type of time delay fan.
384 Recording LED Indicator To build a circuit that lights an LED to indicate the recording mode.
385 Playback & Record with Meter To add a volt meter to the playback and record circuit
386 Alarm Light To light a bulb to indicate an open circuit.
387 Alarm Light (II) To light a bulb to indicate an open circuit.
388 Night Police Car To build a night-sensitive police car sound.
389 Night Machine Gun To build a night-sensitive machine gun sound.
390 Night Fire Engine To build a night-sensitive fire engine sound.
391 Night Ambulance To build a night-sensitive ambulance sound.
392 Daytime Light Police Car To build a light-sensitive police car sound.
393 Nothing Here To build a light-sensitive machine gun sound.
394 Daytime Light Fire Engine To build a light-sensitive fire engine sound.
395 Daytime Light Ambulance To build a light-sensitive ambulance sound.
396 Flashing 8 Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the number “8”.
397 Flashing 8 with Sound To build a circuit so you can hear and see the 8 flash.
398 Musical Space War To combine the sound effects of the recorder and space war integrated circuits.
399 Electronic Noisemaker To make different tones with an oscillator.
400 Electronic Noisemaker (II) To show a variation of project #399.
401 Bee To make different sounds with an oscillator.
402 Bee (II) Show a variation of project #401.
403 Bee (III) Show a variation of project #401.
404 Oscillator Sound Build an oscillator circuit.
405 Oscillator Sound (II) Show variations of project #404.
406 Oscillator Sound (III) Show variations of project #404.
407 Oscillator Sound (IV) Show variations of project #404.
408 Oscillator Sound (V) Show variations of project #404.
409 Transistor Tester To build a circuit that checks the transistor.
410 Adjustable Voltage Divider To make an adjustable current path.
411 Automatic Display Capital Letter “C” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter C.
412 Automatic Display Capital Letter “E” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter E.
413 Automatic Display Capital Letter “F” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter F.
414 Automatic Display Capital Letter “H” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter H.
415 Automatic Display Capital Letter “P” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter P.
416 Automatic Display Capital Letter “S” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter S.
417 Automatic Display Capital Letter “U” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter U.
418 Automatic Display Capital Letter “L” To construct a flashing display for the capital letter L.
419 Whistle Chip Sounds To make sounds from the whistle chip.
420 Whistle Chip Sounds (II) Show variations of project #419.
421 Whistle Chip Sounds (III) Show variations of project #419.
422 Whistle Chip Sounds (IV) Show variations of project #419.
423 Whistle Chip Sounds (V) Show variations of project #419.
424 Whistle Chip Sounds (VI) Show variations of project #419.
425 LED Music To light the LED’s using the recording IC.
426 Light-Controlled LED Time Delay Show variations of project #425.
427 Touch-Controlled LED Time Delay Show variations of project #425.
428 Alarm Recorder To record the sound from the alarm IC.
429 Alarm Recorder (II) Record the sound from the alarm IC.
430 Machine Gun Recorder To record the sound of a machine gun.
431 Time Delay 1-7 Seconds To build a time delay circuit.
432 Time Delay To see how the capacitor value affects the time.
433 Manual 7 Second Timer (II) To build a manual timer using a relay and whistle chip
434 15 Second Alarm To build a circuit that sounds the speaker for 15 seconds
435 Flashing “1 & 2” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “1 & 2”.
436 Flashing “3 & 4” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “3 & 4”.
437 Flashing “5 & 6” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “5 & 6”.
438 Flashing “7 & 8” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “7 & 8”.
439 Flashing “9 & 0” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “9 & 0”.
440 Flashing “b & c” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “b & c”.
441 Flashing “d & e” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “d & e”.
442 Flashing “h & o” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “h & o”.
443 Flashing “A & J” Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the letters “A & J”.
444 Alarm Timer To connect the alarm IC to a timer circuit.
445 Alarm Timer (II) To change the time by switching the resistor and capacitor.
446 Alarm Timer (III) To modify project #285 for a different sound.
447 Bird Sounds To create bird sounds.
448 Bird Sounds (II) To create bird sounds.
449 Bird Sounds (III) To create bird sounds
450 Bird Sounds (IV) To create bird sounds
451 Bird Sounds (V) To create bird sounds
452 Touch-Control Bird Sound Show variations of project #447.
453 Motor Sound Recording Build a circuit that records the sound of the motor spinning.
454 Motor Sound Indicator To build a circuit that generates sound as a motor is spinning.
455 Relay & Buzzer Use the whistle chip and relay to make sound.
456 Relay & Speaker Use the speaker and relay to make sound.
457 Relay & Lamp Light the bulb using the relay.
458 Electronic Cat To create the sound of a cat.
459 Electronic Cat (II) Show variations of project #458.
460 Electronic Cat (III) Show variations of project #458.
461 Electronic Cat (IV) Show variations of project #458.
462 Buzzer Cat Show variations of project #458.
463 Buzzer Cat (II) Show variations of project #458.
464 Buzzer Cat (III) Show variations of project #458.
465 Lazy Cat Show variations of project #458.
466 Meter Deflection (II) To build change the direction in which current flows
467 Automatic Display #1 Construct a light-controlled display.
468 Automatic Display #2 Light the number 2 using a light-controlled display.
469 Automatic Display #3 Light the number 3 using a light-controlled display
470 Automatic Display #4 Light the number 4 using a light-controlled display
471 Automatic Display #5 Light the number 5 using a light-controlled display
472 Automatic Display #6 Light the number 6 using a light-controlled display
473 Automatic Display #7 Light the number 7 using a light-controlled display
474 Automatic Display #8 Light the number 8 using a light-controlled display
475 Automatic Display #9 Light the number 9 using a light-controlled display
476 Automatic Display #0 Light the number 0 using a light-controlled display
477 Variable Oscillator To change the tone using the adjustable resistor.
478 Variable Oscillator (II) To change the tone using the adjustable resistor
479 Variable Oscillator (III) Show variations of project #477.
480 Variable Oscillator (IV) Show variations of project #477.
481 Photo Variable Resistor Show variations of project #477.
482 Variable Whistle Chip Oscillator Show variations of project #477.
483 Slow Adjusting Tone Show variations of project #477.
484 Slow Adjusting Tone (II) Show variations of project #477.
485 Fixed-Current Path To make a fixed-current path.
486 Simple Illumination Meter To make a simple light meter.
487 LED Voltage Drop To measure the voltage drop across diodes.
488 Open/Closed Door Indicator To make a circuit that indicates whether a door is open or closed.
489 Hand-Control Meter To understand music deflection.
490 Light-Control Meter To control the circuit using light.
491 Electric-Control Meter To start the circuit using an electric motor.
492 Sound-Control Meter To start the circuit by using a speaker.
493 Fixed-Voltage Divider To make a simple voltage divider.
494 Resistor Measurement To make a resistor checker.
495 Automatic Display Letter “b” To construct a light-controlled display for lower case letters.
496 Automatic Display Letter “c” To light the letter “c” using a light-controlled display.
497 Automatic Display Letter “d” To light the letter “d” using a light-controlled display.
498 Automatic Display Letter “e” To light the letter “e” using a light-controlled display.
499 Automatic Display Letter “h” To light the letter “h” using a light-controlled display.
500 Automatic Display Letter “o” To light the letter “o” using a light controlled display.
501 Hand-Control Display 1 & 4 Display numbers 1 or 4 using the slide switch.
502 Hand-Control Display 1 & 0 Display numbers 1 or 0 using the slide switch.
503 Hand-Control Display 1 & 7 Display numbers 1 or 7 using the slide switch.
504 Hand-Control Display 1 & 8 Display numbers 1 or 8 using the slide switch.
505 Hand-Control Display 1 & 9 Display numbers 1 or 9 using the slide switch.
506 Monitor Capacitor Charging & Discharging View charging and discharging a capacitor.
507 Hand-Control Space Meter Using the meter with the space war IC
508 Rhythm Swinging Meter Use the meter with the alarm IC.
509 Police Car Sound with Whistle Chip Show variations of project #508.
510 Fire Engine Sound with Whistle Chip Show variations of project #508.
511 Ambulance Sound with Whistle Chip Show variations of project #508.

Snap Circuits Extreme SC-750 512-692 Manual[]

No. Project
512 Siren
513 Electronic Rain
514 Leaky Faucet
515 Lamp & Fan Independent
516 Drawing Resistors
517 Electronic Kazoo
518 Electronic Kazoo (II)
519 Water Resistor
520 Two-Transistor Oscillator
521 Diode
522 Rectifier
523 Motor Rectifier
524 SCR Shutdown
525 SCR Motor Control
526 Output Forms
527 Transistor AM Radio
528 Adjustable Solar Power Meter
529 Fan Blade Storing Energy
530 Antenna Storing Energy
531 Electromagnet Storing Energy
532 Transformer Storing Energy
533 Relay Storing Energy
534 Transformer Lights
535 Machine Siren
536 Hear the Motor
537 Back EMF
538 Back EMF (II)
539 Electronic Sound
540 Electronic Sound (II)
541 Lighthouse
542 Diode Wonderland
543 Meter Ranges
544 Motor Current
545 2.5V Lamp Current
546 6V Lamp Current
547 Combined Lamp Circuits
548 Rechargeable Battery
549 Solar Batteries
550 Solar Control
551 Solar Resistance Meter
552 Solar Diode Tester
553 Solar NPN Transistor Tester
554 Solar PNP Transistor Tester
555 Solar Cell vs. Battery
556 Solar Cell vs. Battery (II)
557 Solar Music
558 Solar Sounds Combo
559 Solar Alarm
560 Better Solar Alarm
561 Photo Solar Alarm
562 Solar Space War
563 Solar Music Alarm Combo
564 Solar Music Space War Combo
565 Solar Music Space War Combo (II)
566 Solar Periodic Lights
567 Solar Periodic Lights (II)
568 Solar AM Radio Transmitter
569 Low Light Noisemaker
570 Low Light Noisemaker (II)
571 Low Light Noisemaker (III)
572 Solar Oscillator
573 Solar Oscillator (II)
574 Daylight SCR Lamp
575 Solar Bird Sounds
576 Solar Bird Sounds (II)
577 SCR Solar Bomb Sounds
578 Flashing Laser LED's with Sound
579 U2 with Transistor Amplifier
580 U2 with Transistor Amplifier (II)
581 U1 with Transistor Amplifier
582 Loud Sounds
583 Swinging Meter with Sound
584 Motor Sound Using Transformer
585 Motor Sound with LED
586 Motor Sound with LED (II)
587 AC & DC Current
588 Noisemaker
589 AC Voltage
590 AC Voltage (II)
591 AC Voltage (III)
592 Noisemaker (II)
593 Noisemaker (III)
594 Pulsing Motor
595 Noisemaker (IV)
596 Noisemaker (V)
597 Noisemaker (VI)
598 Noisemaker (VII)
599 Noisemaker (VIII)
600 Noisemaker (IX)
601 Alarm Power
602 Alarm Power (II)
603 Night Sounds
604 Mega Pulser and Flasher
605 "E" & "S" Blinker
606 "2" & "3" Blinker
607 "9" & "0" Blinker
608 "3" & "6" Blinker
609 "c" & "C" Blinker
610 "O" & "o" Blinker
611 "b" & "d" Blinker
612 "H" & "L" Blinker
613 "A" & "o" Blinker
614 Open & Closed Indicator
615 Open & Closed Indicator (II)
616 Vibration Indicator
617 Vibration Indicator (II)
618 SCR Noise Circuit
619 SCR & Transistor Switch
620 Two-speed Motor
621 Two-speed Motor (II)
622 Current Flow
623 AM Radio with Power LED's
624 Space War IC Recording
625 LED Flasher
626 LED Flasher with Sound
627 LED Flasher with Sound (II)
628 Stepper Motor
629 Crazy Music IC
630 Stepper Motor w/ Sound
631 Stepper Motor w/ Light
632 Police Siren with Display
633 Oscillator Alarm
634 Oscillator Alarm (II)
635 Tapping U3
636 Tapping U3 (II)
637 Adjustable Beeper
638 Electronic Meow
639 Electronic Meow (II)
640 Strobe Light
641 AND Gate
642 NAND Gate
643 OR Gate
644 NOR Gate
645 XOR Gate
646 High Pitch Oscillator
647 Low Pitch Oscillator
648 Low Pitch Oscillator (II)
649 Low Pitch Oscillator (III)
650 Segment Jumper
651 DP & Zero Flasher
652 Stepper Motor with Lamp & LED
653 IC Start & Stop
654 IC Motor Speed
655 Sound & Light Flasher
656 Electromagnet Delayer
657 Electromagnet Delayer (II)
658 Two-Lamp Electromagnet Delayer
659 Electromagnet Current
660 Electromagnetism
661 Electromagnetism & Compass
662 Electromagnetism & Paperclips
663 Electromagnet Suction
664 Electromagnet Tower
665 Paperclip Compass
666 Adjustable Paperclip Suspension
667 Adjustable Paperclip w/ Delay
668 Photoresistor Paperclip Suspension
669 Paperclip Oscillator
670 Paperclip Oscillator (II)
671 Paperclip Oscillator (III)
672 Paperclip Oscillator (IV)
673 Paperclip Oscillator (V)
674 Oscillating Compass
675 High Frequency Vibrator
676 High Frequency Vibrator (II)
677 Siren Paperclip Vibrator
678 Alarm Paperclip Vibrator
679 Machine Gun Paperclip Vibrator
680 Alarm Vibrator w/ LED
681 Alarm Vibrator w/ LED (II)
682 Relay-Whistle Vibrator
683 Relay-Whistle Photo Vibrator
684 Vibration LED
685 Vibration Speaker
686 Measure the Vibration as You Tap the Switch
687 Shaky Birthday Song
688 Vibration Detector
689 Out of Balance
690 Vibration Alarm
691 Vibration Space War
692 Vibration Light